Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is designed to explain how we handle your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online, as per US privacy law and information security.

1. Information Collection

When you visit our site, you may be asked to provide your name, email, or other details to enhance your experience.

2. How We Use Your Information

We collect information to:

  • Personalize your experience.
  • Improve our website and serve you better.
  • Respond to customer service requests.
  • Administer contests, promotions, and surveys.
  • Send emails related to orders and services.

3. Use of Cookies

We use cookies to:

  • Remember user preferences.
  • Identify users with access to premium content.
  • Improve site functionality based on user activity.
  • Gather data on site traffic and interactions.

Disabling cookies may affect site features and user experience.

4. Third Party Disclosure

We do not share your PII with external parties except for website hosting partners and service providers who keep your data confidential. We may disclose information when required by law, to enforce our site policies, or protect rights, property, or safety. Non-personally identifiable visitor information may be shared for marketing or advertising purposes.

5. Third Party Links

We may include third-party products or services on our website. These third parties have separate privacy policies, and we are not responsible for their content or activities.

For questions about this policy, please contact us.